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Escudo de la Junta de Castilla y León; Página de inicio



About Castilla y León

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The regional High Court

The Statute of Autonomy states that the Castilla y León High Court is the supreme Justice body of the region and its scope is all the region, in the civil, criminal, administrative Contentious Jurisdiction and social fields, without prejudice of the Supreme Court's powers. It must also solve the matters about powers and competencies among judicial bodies of Castilla y León.

Its organisation, powers and functioning is regulated in the Organic Law 6/1985, 1st July, of the Judicial Power and the subsequent modifications.

The King appoints the President by proposal of the General Council of the Judicial Power and among judges with an experience of, at least, ten years. The term office is for four years.

The head office is in

Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Castilla y León

Presidente: José Luis Concepción Rodríguez

Avda. de la audiencia, 10. C.P.: 09071 Burgos.

  • 947 259 649 (Secretaría de Gobierno)
  • 947 259 905 (Fiscalía Contencioso Social)

947 259 654

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