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About Castilla y León

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According to latest data published by the National Statistics Institute (INE), Castilla y León had a population of 2.391.682   inhabitants in 2023.

Total and foreign population of Castilla y León. A 01/01/2024
Total and foreign population of Castilla y León. A 01/01/2024
Provincia Total population (inhab.) Foreign population (inhab.) % of foreign population regarding total population Number of municipalites where foreign popjulation exceeds 3% of total population
Ávila 160.463 14.293 8,91 112
Burgos 359.740 36.123 10,04 231
León 447.802 25.051 5,59 108
Palencia 158.063 9.694 6,13 96
Salamanca 327.552 20.518 6,26 135
Segovia 156.620 21.570 13,77 171
Soria 90.073 11.151 12,38 89
Valladolid 525.116 37.166 7,08 161
Zamora 166.253 8.569 5,15 122
Castilla y León 2.391.682 184.135 7,7 1.225

FUENTE: D. G. de Presupuestos, Fondos Europeos y Estadística de la Junta de Castilla y León con datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, explotación propia "Censo de población".

Open a new window to download the Table  Download the table Total and foreign population of Castilla y León. A 01/01/2024 in Excel format

This population is settled in 2,248 municipalities through out all the territory; the cattle farming, agriculture, mining industry and forestry wealth have determined the location of these municipalities.

The industrial revolutions and the consequent urban development have caused the progressive town's growth, which in the XXI century has meant that 56% of population is urban.

This configuration was due to the growth of the industry and services field, located, mainly, in urban environments. However, Castilla y León keeps on providing to the Spanish nation resources like agricultural products and electric energy, extracted and distributed from rural and peripheral areas of the region.

Surface, number of municipalities, population and population density in Castilla y León. Year 2024
Surface, number of municipalities, population and population density in Castilla y León. Year 2024
Provincia Surface (km²) Nº of Municipalities Population a 01/01/2024 Population density (Inhab./km²)
Ávila 8.049 248 160.463 19,94
Burgos 14.289 371 359.740 25,18
León 15.578 211 447.802 28,75
Palencia 8.052 191 158.063 19,63
Salamanca 12.348 362 327.552 26,53
Segovia 6.923 209 156.620 22,62
Soria 10.307 183 90.073 8,74
Valladolid 8.111 225 525.116 64,75
Zamora 10.561 248 166.253 15,74
Castilla y León 94.219 2.248 2.391.682 25,38

Source: Regional Budgets and Statistical Office, Nacional Statistics Institute and National Geographic Institute

Open a new window to download the Table  Download the table Surface, number of municipalities, population and population density in Castilla y León. Year 2024 in Excel format

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