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- About Castilla y León
Geography and Population
Historical and cultural community
Autonomic institutions
Castilla y León awards
About Castilla y León
About Castilla y León
The Autonomous Region of Castilla y León was born of the latter-day union of the historical territories making up and giving their name to the ancient crowns of Leon and Castile.
Eleven hundred years ago saw the embodiment of the Kingdom of León, which firstly, throughout the XI century, lost Castilla and Galicia, and secondly, in 1143, Portugal, these becoming separate kingdoms. During both centuries, the monarchs governing these territories attained the dignity conferred upon emperors, as witnessed in the titles of Alfonso VI and Alfonso VII.
The colonising of the Duero Valley during the IX and X centuries, together with the development of urban life during the same period along the Camino de Santiago (Route of Santiago) and the Vía de la Plata (Silver Route), have to be seen as historical events defining our geographic, cultural and social.
At the time of the eventual union with the crown of Castilla in 1230, the crown of León was made up of the regions of León, Asturias, Galicia and Extremadura. For its part, the crown of Castilla encompassed the historical Old Castile and the modern Castilla-La Mancha.
Together, Castilla and León embarked on common ventures of universal importance, such as the discovery of America in 1492.
During their centuries old existences, Castilla and León have offered to Europe a model of respect, harmony, dialogue in times of diversity and inter-cultural exchange, all of this very often backed up by the Fueros (Statutes) of León and the customs and "fazañas" (deeds) of Castilla, which regulated its rights from the IX century. In addition, their defence of freedom, democracy, pluralism, justice and peace, were on certain occasions made concrete, such as in 1188, when there was held in Leon the first Parliament in the history of Europe; documentary evidence of civilian participation in the latter created a precedent which essentially survives in the modern-day autonomous Parliament.
Castilla y León is a Region rich in its territories and its people, made up of Castilians and Leonese; it is respectful of the plurality it enjoys and a defender of its harmonious existence, which has enriched it since its birth.
A renowned historical and cultural Region, Castilla y León has created the conditions for encounters, dialogue and respect among its embodying and defining entities. Its personality, based on universal values, has, over the centuries, contributed decisively to the formation of Spain as a Nation, as well as constituting an important link between Europe and America.
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